KDE updated guidance on SBDM elections

The Kentucky Department of Education has updated their guidance on SBDM elections and now allows parent groups and teachers to hold elections online electronically, in person, or a combination of both. Electronic elections were an option during the first COVID peak, but with this new KDE guidance, the option of electronic elections is available all the time.

Your elections, whether an annual election or to fill a vacancy, have to meet the same criteria as before.

  1. For online voting, the platform selected must be able to provide these protections:
  • eligible voters are notified of their right to vote and provided date(s), time(s), etc.
  • only eligible voters are allowed to vote
  • voters only vote one time
  • individuals’ votes remain anonymous

  1. In person voting has to meet follow any state or local safety guidelines. 


SBDM Election Kit

Now included FREE with KASC membership! Access to our election kit is available to all KASC members through our Learning Management System (LMS). The kit includes advice for developing written procedures, guidance for online elections, forms to customize for every step of the process, and legal requirements. Everything is organized for the person/group running each election, so organizers don’t have to view the entire kit.

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